Sunday, 4 December 2011

My term abroad

This time I won't write about my writing skills, but about my time at the University of Essex.
I have been here since October 2nd and now there are two weeks left of the term. On the 17th of december I will fly back to Germany. Looking back, there are a lot of things I have learned during my time here. Firstly, I know much more vocabulary, mainly vocabulary for everyday use. There are a lot of words I didn't know before since I just didn't use or need them at home when writing an academic essay or talking to a teacher. By and by, I learned more and more English words by communicating with flatmates, other students or through grocery shopping. I also think that I've improved my English language. I have become more fluent and more confident when talking to someone. But still I often think in German and when talking to someone in English I sometimes say one or two words in German by mistake.
Moreover, I have learned more about myself than in my whole life. I have learned to be more independent and to practically live on my own. I don't live together with my parents anymore but I live together with my boyfriend in Germany. That is why it is so hard for me to live here alone and to be alone all day. Thank God that Skype exists. I couldn't live without it.
This term abroad is the hardest time of my life since it was really difficult for me to adjust to everything here. And sometimes it is still difficult, especially since the closer it gets to my departure the more impatient I become.   Nevertheless, my time abroad has taught me so many things and has let me grow as a person and there are many good memories that I can bring home.

1 comment:

  1. Were you at all sad when you left Essex? You must be happy to be back home...
